Thursday 5 January 2012


now, the first poem is about HARDSHIP faced by the villagers during floods. so the theme of the poem is HARDSHIP, obivously.

Moving on to the next poem entitled He Had Such Quiet Eyes by Bibsy Soeharjo, what is the poem's theme here? From the title, could you identify any significant themes?

If not, let me help you. Listen to these songs and identify the similar theme that they share

ADELE - Set Fire to the Rain

BEYONCE - Best Thing I Never Had

So, listen carefully to the lyrics and the emotions of both singers.

What is the lyrics about?
What are the expressions of these singers delivering the song?

Tell me something that is similar.

To me both singers are talking about LOVE. and how they are both CHEATED in love and their FEELINGS about their relationship.

Well, He Has Such Quiet Eyes dealt with almost the same theme as these songs. So, i recommend you to listen again to these songs and share your thoughts with me before we proceed with the poem.



First of all, thank you for your emails. So, now we are ready to learn about the poem entitled 'In The Midst of Hardship' by Latiff Mohidin.

Latiff actually wrote this poem in Malay but we are learning the translated version in schools. From this we know the audience is most probably for Malays and the poem is somehow dedicated to them.

In the Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohidin

At dawn they returned home
their soaky clothes torn
and approached the stove
their limbs marked by scratches
their legs full of wounds
but on their brows
there was not a sign of despair

The whole day and night just passed
they had to brave the horrendous flood
in the water all the time
between bloated carcasses
and tiny chips of tree barks
desperately looking for their son's
albino buffalo that was never found

They were born amidst hardship
and grew up without a sigh or a complaint
now they are in the kitchen, making
jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves

STANZA 1: We can identify the poem's point of view here which is THIRD PERSON point of view. the words they and their shows that the persona is describing other's condition and not his own.

STANZA 2: words such as horrendous floods, tree barks, and albino buffalo are images to describe the place setting of this poem. this poem is set in a VILLAGE most probably a MALAY VILLAGE where they work as farmers with buffaloes to help them with their farming. it was the rainy season and floods occured hence the hardship that they faced.

STANZA 3: the last stanza shows one moral value of this poem. it shows hardship is not meant to let you down, you have to face the hardship and carry on with life.

So now you know the point of view, place setting, and one moral value of the poem. try to find another two point of view and state from where or which verse shows the moral values. you can email me the answers and we'll discuss it further there.



Wednesday 4 January 2012


So to kick off 2012, i would like to ask here.

What is biggest hardship you have to face in your life?? different people have different lives, so tell me something about your life.

Some people face hardship the minute they wake up...
Some people lives a fortunate life, however, deep inside, they are facing real hardship in dealing with relationships in their lives.
Some people think they do not have any hardship at all (bless them)

I have my own hardships too..

However, this does not mean we must give up on life.

As a saying goes "If life gives you lemon, make lemonades"

So, here is your assignment for today. Email me a short post about your hardships in life and how you handle or would handle it. feel free to tell me anything or ask me anything. 


Monday 2 January 2012


HELLO EVERYONE!!! (yess, i am very enthusiastic and hyped!)

Well, to begin, WELCOME!!!! And THANK YOU for following this blog (^.^)

I am dedicating this blog to everyone who wants to learn literature particularly poems.

In the Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohidin
He Had Such Quiet Eyes by Bibsy Soenharjo
Nature by H.D Carberry
Are You Still Playing Your Flute by Zurinah Hassan

If YOU have guessed, yes it is all the poems learnt in FORM 4 & 5.